I have been considering designing a 3D-printable construction set for many years and am excited to show you the first project made of STEMFIE parts. It is a simple rubber-band-driven car that is easy to 3D-print, build, and fun to play with. 

You can download all the files from the link below. Please let me know what you think of it. Through social media, I'll be following the hashtag #Stemfie3D.

I hope you enjoy 3D printing and building the STEMFIE car. Stay tuned!

Paulo Kiefe

Quick-print sample

STEMFIE.org Quick print sample shoulder screw pin nut washers brace

The STEMFIE Quick-print Sample file is an easy way to test a few STEMFIE parts and fasteners. You can also check the STEMFIE Calibration File for more elaborate types of fasteners.



STEMFIE is a free, open-source, 3D-printable construction set toy that helps children learn STEM! Download the files freely, and please support my efforts to expand this project.