The files in the STEMFIE construction set follow a standardized naming convention as detailed below:
BeamSTR ESS BU05x01x01 - SPN‑BEM‑0042( .stl
Naming Convention Structure:
Part typeStructure VariationsDimension - Unique STEMFIE Part Number(Project Home URL).filetype
1 Part Type
This component describes the category of the part, such as beams, braces, fasteners, springs, or washers.
2 Structure Variations
These abbreviations represent specific design features of the part, such as square or rounded ends, joint types, or other variations.
3 Dimensions
Indicates the part’s size in STEMFIE Block Units (BU = 12.5 mm), typically formatted as Length x Width x Height x Variations. To ensure clear sequential listing, values include trailing zeros. Some dimensions may also be specified in millimeters (mm).
4 Unique STEMFIE Number
A unique identifier classifies each item:
- SPN: STEMFIE Part Number
- SPS: STEMFIE Project Set
- SCT: STEMFIE Construction Template
5 Project Home URL
The URL directs users to the STEMFIE project’s homepage.
6 Filetype
Defines the file format, such as .FCStd, .stl, .stepz, .step, .svg, or .pdf
Folder Structure
The official STEMFIE file repository at provides a well-structured collection of STEMFIE part files. Each folder is named descriptively, indicating the type of part it contains, such as "Beams - Angled - T-shaped Symmetric - Square Ends." Within each folder, files are organized by their unique STEMFIE Part Number (SPN) and are available in multiple formats, including .3mf, .step, and .jpg.
Thumbnail images accompany the 3D files for quick reference. Each part includes a unique thumbnail matching its file name. Additionally, a general folder thumbnail is labeled as "- *** (thumbnail).jpg." This structure ensures easy navigation and accessibility for users.
- Beams - Angled - T-shaped Symmetric - Square Ends ← folder
- - Beam AGD TSH SYM ESS (thumbnail).jpg ← part type thumbnail
- Beam AGD TSH SYM ESS BU03x05x01 - SPN-BEM-1003 ( ← 3D-printing file
- Beam AGD TSH SYM ESS BU03x05x01 - SPN-BEM-1003 ( ← CAD file
- Beam AGD TSH SYM ESS BU03x05x01 - SPN-BEM-1003 ( ← part thumbnail
- Beam AGD TSH SYM ESS BU03x05x01 - SPN-BEM-1003 ( ← CAD file
- Beam AGD TSH SYM ESS BU03x05x01 - SPN-BEM-1003 ( ← 3D-printing file
STEMFIE part names include abbreviations, which are explained in the sections below:
Definition | Abbreviation |
Adaptor | ADT |
Alternating | ALT |
Angle | AGL |
Angled | AGD |
Asymmetric | ASYM |
Barbed | BRD |
Barrel | BRL |
Beam | BEM |
Bearing | BRN |
Bearing Shaft | BRNS |
Bevelled | BVD |
Bidirectional | BDR |
BlockUnit | BU |
BlockUnit Hole | BUH |
Both Ends | BE |
Box-section | BXS |
Brace | BRC |
Bracket | BRK |
Bridged | BRG |
Brushed | BSD |
Brushless | BLS |
Cam-Locking | CL |
Cap Nut | CPN |
Centered | CNT |
Connector | CON |
Corner | CRN |
Countersunk Head | CSH |
Cross | CRS |
Diameter | DIA |
Double-End | DE |
Driver | DVR |
End Round Round | ERR |
End Round Square | ERS |
End Square Square | ESS |
End Right-hand Thread Right-hand Thread | ERHRH |
End Right-hand Thread Square | ERHS |
Female | F |
Fixed | FXD |
Flanged | FLG |
Flat | FLT |
Four-Way | 4W |
Free | FRE |
Freewheel | FW |
Full-Length | FL |
Fully Threaded | FT |
Gear | GER |
Ground | GND |
Headed | HDD |
Hexagonal | HEX |
Hinge | HNG |
Holder | HLD |
Inner | INR |
Insert | ISR |
Joint Mortice & Tenon | JM&T |
Joint Mortice Centered | JMC |
Joint Mortice Double-ended | JMDE |
Joint Mortice Single-ended | JMSE |
Joint Tenon Single-ended | JTSE |
Knurled | KNR |
Lap Joint | LJT |
Laying | LAY |
Locating | LCT |
Longitudinal Tread | LTRD |
Longitudinal | LNG |
Loop | LOP |
Male | M |
Non-Printed Hardware | NPH |
One-Way | 1W |
Open | OPN |
Outer | OUT |
Pinhead | PH |
Plain | PLN |
Plate | PLT |
Pulley | PLY |
Recessed | RSD |
Recessed Head | RSDH |
Revolution | REV |
Right | RHT |
Right-Hand Thread | RH |
Rotor | RTR |
Rounded Head | RHD |
Screw | SCR |
Sequential | SQT |
Shaft | SFT |
Shallow Head | SH |
Shank | SNK |
Shim | SHM |
Shoulder Screw | SSC |
Sign | SGN |
Single-Ended | SE |
Slanted | SLTD |
Slottet | SLT |
Socket | SOC |
Spacer | SPR |
Sphere | SPH |
Spring | SPG |
Spring Pin | SPP |
Stand | STN |
Standard | STD |
Standing | STA |
STEMFIE Construction Template | SCT |
STEMFIE Part Number | SPN |
STEMFIE Project Set | SPS |
Straight | STR |
Surface | SFC |
Symmetric | SYM |
Square | SQR |
Template | TPL |
Thickness | T |
Thin | THN |
Thread Eye | THREYE |
Threaded Rod | THR |
Three-Way | 3W |
Through-Hole | TRH-H |
Traversal Tread | TTRD |
Transverse | TRV |
Triangular | TRI |
Trigger | TGR |
T-shaped | TSH |
Two-Way | 2W |
U-shaped | USH |
Unidirectional | UDR |
Washer | WSR |
Wedge | WDG |
Wheel | WHL |
Width | WDT |