This beautiful sailcar is a new STEMFIE community project designed by Brendon Collecutt. He also contributed to the STEMFIE project by coding the STEMFIE OpenSCAC library files

Brendon shared the files for this sailcar project on Thingiverse so you can make your own. As a bonus, he also designed a tool for pressing the axles into the wheels. 

In Blender, an assembled version of this mode is available to view and download from this link at SketchFab.

Cantareus STEMFIE sail project v02

STEMFIE Sailcar By Brendon Collecutt Stemfie3DCommunityProject Blender screenshot

Quick-print sample Quick print sample shoulder screw pin nut washers brace

The STEMFIE Quick-print Sample file is an easy way to test a few STEMFIE parts and fasteners. You can also check the STEMFIE Calibration File for more elaborate types of fasteners.

Support DOWNLOAD Parts

STEMFIE is a free, open-source, 3D-printable construction set toy that helps children learn STEM! Download the files freely, and please support my efforts to expand this project.