👉   Play freely and build endless fun at home with STEMFIE, the free 3D-printable educational toy   👈 

The first version of the STEMFIE Blender template file is now ready for download from this link. It contains a few of the most common STEMFIE parts, such as beams, braces, screws, etc. 

The scene grid is set to make it easy to move and place parts according to the STEMFIE standard. If you keep the grid snap on, the components and holes will align quickly and correctly. 

You can always import the latest and complete STEMFIE files from STEMFIE.org/parts. Once downloaded to your computer, use the menu item: File > Import > STL to insert the parts into your Blender scene. 

Quick-print sample

STEMFIE.org Quick print sample shoulder screw pin nut washers brace

The STEMFIE Quick-print Sample file is an easy way to test a few STEMFIE parts and fasteners. You can also check the STEMFIE Calibration File for more elaborate types of fasteners.



STEMFIE is a free, open-source, 3D-printable construction set toy that helps children learn STEM! Download the files freely, and please support my efforts to expand this project.