The plain version of STEMFIE shafts has been updated to include indexing holes at 1/4th Block Unit distance. This feature enables securing elements on the shafts and locking them in the axial direction. Such items are cogwheels, driving wheels, and shaft collars.

The full collection of shafts is available for download ranging from 0.25 to 30 Block Units.

Quick-print sample Quick print sample shoulder screw pin nut washers brace

The STEMFIE Quick-print Sample file is an easy way to test a few STEMFIE parts and fasteners. You can also check the STEMFIE Calibration File for more elaborate types of fasteners.

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STEMFIE is a free, open-source, 3D-printable construction set toy that helps children learn STEM! Download the files freely, and please support my efforts to expand this project.